Self Reiki Session Treasure

As I am doing my self treatment I see and feel energy rotating slowly as I and it goes round it becomes bright white, becoming brighter and brighter as we continue to turn.

As we complete the full rotation I am starting to lean back and begin to see leaves and diamonds from the centre rise up and I continue to go down so the stream of leaves and diamonds gets longer the more i go down.

On the way down I see a female and I go within her, become her but continue to travel downward.

As I continue down it becomes like an energy whirl with blue tones, against the backdrop of space.

The energy whirl becomes a ball with a gold hue to it and I begin to sense I am to channel healing to certain people, places.

Someone in particular comes to mind and I send this ball of energy to him and I let it be natural, i fling the whole thing over him and trust that is meant to be.

I become aware of my neighbours and an image of a brown energy container which emits olive green energy is attached to the wall next to me and this is how the energy will go through the wall. The energy spreads along the whole wall and penetrates through, I see it travel through their space and on through the next two houses that are attached.

Then the building of my previous place of work, which holds elderly people dealing with mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar and depression, comes to view and I see this same energy container with the olive green energy attach to the roof of the building and i see it go through that building and spread onto the memory clinic next door and the dementia unit next to that.

There was more to the session but these were the main visions I am amazed by x

What does my week ahead hold?


Monday & Tuesday:
Reconnect to Divine and the power of prayer. Communicate my worries, concerns, desires, hopes. Feel the connection again. Notice the effects that happens around me. Trust in that higher connection.

Wednesday & Thursday:
Feel and appreciate what I have. Gratitude goes a long way and has powerful positive effects.
I will draw towards myself more of what you truly need and want.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday:
Allow my emotions to erode the hardness I have built my heart to be. Allow the light and heat to burn away and love the way I am built to. I am capable. Trust in another.

Over riding Theme of all cards:
Love, Connection & Intimacy.
Being open to what is there but has been forgotten or disconnected from.

A daily Lenormand draw in retrospect


I waited until my day was nearly over and looked back at these (19th July 2013). I am going to start doing daily draws as often as  possible so I can make sense of the meanings of the cards for me personally.

The WHIP/broom was about an argument between me and my husband (Whip) and the clearing up of it (broom). We also had little misunderstandings as the heat of the day got to us but we always got over them quickly. Ah getting over them quickly – now the CLOVER card is a short time card – making perfect sense now.

The CLOVER card, which is little luck or happy news/ a surprise, could have been either asking for a sign from my granddad (he passed away in January of this year and he has sent us 2 signs in 2 days now and I have just realised the clover is the number 2 card haha) – whether to stay in St Albans or go home as it was so hot. I said “Granddad please show us a sign if its time to go home or stay – to show us a shop me and Dan would both like.” This would mean for us to stay – as it happened we found no such shop but did look in the tourist info shop and saw what used to be a court room in there. We sat in there for a bit then went to find our bus stop, we sat down and wondered on a few things then the bus came straight away – brilliant timing.
Or it could have been that when we went to the cinema that night I had a nice surprise that my best mate from my old ward also came to see the same film at the same time with her mum.

The CLOUDS – the light side faced me and meant a good ending but also means clarity – now the dark side means confusions, complications and danger – this was facing away from me so in light of what I now know, I know it meant danger, complications for another poor soul – and confusion for the public. . .
There are a few tall buildings in my home town centre that are infamous for people committing suicide from and that night there was a man sitting on the edge of one of these with the roads blocked off by the police and the public standing there gawping at the poor man. I don’t agree with suicide but do believe he must be in such a bad state and was crying out for help – I don’t believe he was serious in completely ending it otherwise he would not have hesitated. After the cinema the roads were unblocked but there was a yellow helicopter in the square so don’t quite know what happened. But still disturbed at the sheer amount of people who stood and gawped, some with their phones out. I found out today that the man died. He must not have died straight away.


My Bubble Reality Thoughts

Perfect, beautiful and fragile.
Small, large and everything in between.
Light, transparent and gone in an instant.

Wrap, shield and protection – the invisible more lasting than the visible.

Respect the bubble that is us and the reality.



Thoughts on Striving to be Spiritual…?

I have been thinking….. Dangerous I know lol…..

A lot of us spend our moments thinking we are not good enough – that we must be better, more spiritual, perfect etc

But we already are perfect in truth, as souls we choose to be human, to experience duality, we already know perfection, light, peace, harmony etc and we come here to learn the duality.
We as souls want to know and experience everything that is human – the good and bad -only it is not judged good and bad it just is.

So should we put ourselves through the suffering we do by our mental expectations and thoughts?

Maybe its time we were kind and patient with ourselves and relax, knowing we are exactly where we are meant to be right now. And we always will be.

Don’t push the river because it will flow in its own way in its own time 🙂


Oracle Card for 4th May 2013


From my Mary, Queen of Angels deck by Doreen Virtue

I asked Mother Mary:
What message would you like me to share today?”

And her answer was;
The card’s affirmation for us is: “Love is the answer to all of my questions“.

My thoughts on this card;
Take a moment to think about what love means to you? Is it really a feeling? Or a state of being? Could you accept you are love? Pure love in truth, the real you.  Love is kind and gentle, all encompassing. We must love ourselves before we can fully love others. Accept yourself, be kind to yourself, treat yourself well. Be who you are and allow that love for you to heal your darkness and trouble – your own light will melt the darkness and become light again.

The card’s actual message;
“This card reminds you that feeling loved is your true desire, and this very condition is continuously offered to you by God, Jesus, Mother Mary , and the angels. Surround your current situation and relationships with love, which will loosen the bonds of ego attachments. When you pray for love to heal your situation, God sends angels to your side.
Mother Mary counsels you to use only loving words when you speak, think or write. Avoid pessimistic discussions with yourself or others, as it’s essential for you to surround yourself with the highest energy available. By doing so you will witness miraculous healings, experience new opportunities and attract wonderful relationships.”

Me again:
Belief in the self is so powerful. Please believe in you and your inner power that is love.


My Quick Vision With Obsidian & A Very Important Message

As I was laying there listening to relaxing music and with my Obsidian palmstone on my Third Eye, I welcomed any visions I was meant to see.
I had a few quick ones but one stuck with me in my exhausted state lol (always do it when I am tired! need to stop that)

A few Daisies on a black background.

The symbolism of Daisies = purity, innocence, loyal love, beauty, patience and simplicity.

Black = protection, calming, power, mystery, strength, formal, perspective and depth, dark, negative

The Daisies were White with a yellow centre;

White on Black = contrast, duality, positive and negative together – human duality, acceptance

White = light, goodness, innocence, purity, perfection, safety, clean, positive

A yellow centre = joy, happiness, intellect, and energy, warming, cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity – all this is at the centre – our true self in the middle of duality and contrast, all of it in balance

My Message may have been that as a human being we are naturally in contrast, everything is about duality to us, it is normal and creates balance when we accept ourselves fully and with acceptance we reach into our core and become in touch with our joy & happiness.
In duality and acceptance we find our true selves, our true energy and peace.


My Thoughts on the Waxing Gibbous in Virgo and Me


On the way home in a taxi, I was mesmerised by the moon and it looked more beautiful then this picture I took about half hour to an hour later.

In the taxi I was relaxing and taking deep breaths and allowed the moon to influence my thoughts and feelings which went something along the lines of this following short word brainstorm ….

3/4 moon, nearly full. halo. ring. clouds see through/transparent. light. illuminating. round. cover. hug. caring. beautiful. breath taking.

I feel this moon is a time to be able to see what exists from a different point of view, the ability to put yourself above and see beauty from a different angle.

Mother Moon. feminine. nurturing. caring.

I prayed to the angels to help a relative(s) of mine and allow tomorrow to be a point of breakthrough…

I believe this moon also heralds a time of breakthroughs and help. The moon and the angels message to us all is to reach out and ask for help, not to suffer and suffer alone.
